Slay your Stress Dragon

Do you ignore the effects of stress more often than not? When you do, the body manifests symptoms…at that point, your body is saying “Help me!” loudly. What do you usually do? Ignore it, or wish it would magically disappear? The longer you ignore the symptoms like headaches, irritability, evening food fests, cravings, weight gain and skin rashes…they only get worse and really get your attention. Nothing will sabotage your weight loss program quicker than the Stress Dragon.

Stress Less Weigh Less | Eat Live Be | Michele Sobel | Nutritional & Wellness Expert helping women create a healthier lifestyleI like to share a personal story with you. About a year ago, I developed a rash — I didn’t think anything of it until it grew a family. I went to my dermatologist to have a biopsy, she had no idea where the rash came from. Well, that didn’t bode with me, I decided to do my own research. After a few months of talking to a myriad of qualified people, I learned that an accumulation of signals from my body which I ignored had manifested into this rash. Wow! That got my attention fast! I’m just like you…I need to take my own advice!

I decided to go to a Doctor of Functional Medicine. I asked the doctor  “How can that be? I eat healthily, I exercise I even take yoga, I guess I could meditate more.” He told me to listen carefully, all of that is great…when there’s an underlying  current of stress in your body from your daily routine, running late, your never ending list of got to do’s, kids, work, meetings, eating too fast or too much or not enough.. you must BE PRESENT.” Now he had my undivided attention.

I invite you to take a hard look at your daily routine and the pace you choose to live by. Try to filter in two-5 minute “me-cations,” a little time to get out of crazy-town and just BE!  We worry about the past and obsess about the future. If we take all that stressful energy and put it into this moment, with some deep breathing and a healthy dose of self-love and appreciation, then we grow to be more mindful of how abundant our lives are. We become healthier, more grounded, have peace of mind, get leaner, feel sexier and love the life we live.

All the good stuff happens in this moment, not in the ones that haven’t happened yet, or already happened. When we manage the Stress Dragons our bodies invite in all that we desire from weight loss to having more energy, balanced hormones, glowing skin and a thirst for life you’ve never felt before. You’ll feel like a new you!